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Hierarchy Browser
MEM - Guardian & Observer staff memoirs
AKE - Account on life at the Guardian as seen by Robert Kemp 1929-1937
ARO - Memoir and anecdotes of Alan Road 1959-1989
ASM - Account of Anthony Smith's recruitment to the Manchester Guardian entitled 'Can you go to Scotland?'
BJO - Reminiscences by Brian Jones
BLN - Reminiscences by Barry Norman of his time at the Guardian from 1971 to 1980.
DNI - Memoir of David Nicholas 1957-1962
DWI - Memoir of Donald Wintersgill 1962-1997.
ECJ - Memoir of Betty Jerman 1950-1956
FPA - Memoir of Frank Page 1965-1982
GMO - Memoir of Geoffrey Moorhouse 1958-1970
GWH - Memoirs by Gareth Whitworth
HBD - Memoir and anecdotes of Hugo Davenport
HHP - Memoir of Hella Pick 1960s-1970s
JAA - Memoir of John Ardagh 1961-1966
JDA - Memoirs and anecdotes of Jim Arlow 1953-1999
JFA - Memoir entitled 'You'll have to learn' by John Fairhall 1962-1989
JMJ - Memoir of Judith Judd 1979-1989.
MHI - Memoir of Margaret Hides 1940-1968
MMC - Memoir by Michael McNay entitled 'Guardian Years', 1960s-1980s.
MSI - Memoir of Michael Simmons entitled 'Shocking Times at the Guardian 1977-1997'.
PLE - Personal account by Paul Levy on his career as food and wine editor of The Observer, 1980s
RSM - Memoir by Robert Smithies entitled 'The Photographer's Tale' ,1955-1974
SCO - Memoir of Steve Cook
SGA - Anecdotes and brief career history of Stephen Gardiner
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