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OBS - Records of The Observer newspaper
1 - Management records
1 - Observer board records
1 - Board minutes
2 - Balance sheet and annual accounts
1 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account
2 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account
3 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account
4 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account
5 - Balance sheet and accounts
6 - Balance sheet and accounts
7 - Balance sheet and accounts
8 - Balance sheet and accounts
9 - Balance sheet and accounts
10 - Balance sheet and accounts
11 - Balance sheet and accounts
12 - Balance sheet and accounts
13 - Balance sheet and accounts
14 - Balance sheet and accounts
15 - Balance sheet and accounts
16 - Balance sheet and accounts
17 - Balance sheet and accounts
18 - Balance sheet and accounts
19 - Balance sheet and accounts
20 - Balance sheet and accounts
21 - Balance sheet and accounts for the half year ended 31 August 1935
22 - Balance sheet and accounts
23 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
24 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account for the half year ended 31 August 1951
25 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
26 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
27 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
28 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
29 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
30 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
31 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
32 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account together with consolidated accounts
33 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account
34 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account
35 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account
36 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account
37 - Balance sheet and trading and profit and loss account
38 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account for the 10 months ended 31 December 1964
39 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account for the 10 months ended 31 December 1964
40 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 1965
41 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 1966
42 - Balance sheet and profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 1967
43 - Report and accounts
44 - Report and accounts
45 - Report and accounts
46 - Report and accounts
3 - Memoranda and articles of association
4 - Records of the directors of the Observer board
2 - Managing director's records
2 - Finance records
4 - Personnel records
6 - Editorial records
7 - Production records
8 - Circulation and distribution records
9 - Marketing records
10 - Advertising records
12 - Objects
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