Level | Item |
Ref No | CSA/1/1/69A |
Title | Jomo & white farmers Aug '63 Egerton |
Date | July 1963 - August 1963 |
Extent | 1 notebook and 2 pdf files |
Creator Name | Sanger; Clyde (1928-2022); journalist |
Description | Notebook written mostly in shorthand, containing notes on: a UN [meeting / conference] held on 31 July 1963 concerning the creation of an EA7; Kenya including settlement schemes, Jomo Kenyatta (prime minister) addressing [European farmers], veterinary services, agriculture, remaining in the Commonwealth, independence and settlers obtaining citizenship; and Egerton College, Kenya.
Names featured include: Ivan Smith, U Thant, [ Bernard] Chidzero, JK [Jomo Kenyatta], J Gichuru, [Jackson] Angaine, [Achieng] Oneko, [Njoroge] Mungai, 'Mr Mac.' [Harold Macmillan], Yusuf Haji Abdi and Abdirashid Shermarke.
Transcribed in 2021 as part of the Clyde Sanger shorthand transcription project with funding from The National Archives Collaborate and Innovate Testbed Fund. The pdf transcription document also contains a digitised copy of the notebook |
Access Status | Open(part) |
Access Conditions | The original notebook and full transcript is closed in line with data privacy. A redacted version of the transcript is available. Please contact the archive for further information. |
Format | Electronic record |
Manuscript |
Copyright | Clyde Sanger |
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