Level | SubSection |
Ref No | GEM/7/2 |
Title | Gemini News Service internships and fellowships |
Date | 1988-2007 |
Extent | 14 files |
Creator Name | Gemini News Service; 1967-2002; news agency |
Description | Records relating to internships and fellowships at Gemini News Service, 1988-2007, including files for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) internship; correspondence and a proposal for a Canadian Francophone journalists fellowship, 1992-1993; correspondence and budgets concerning the introduction of a training fellowship for a Zimbabwean journalist, 1995 and correspondence concerning, and articles by, Canadian interns and fellows, including IDRC interns, Canadian Francophone fellows and School of Journalism, University of Regina fellows, 1993-2007. |
System Of Arrangement | Arranged by type of internship and fellowship, with a separate sub-section for Gemini's files relating to all Canadian interns and fellows:
GEM/7/2/1: IDRC intership (CLOSED) GEM/7/2/2: Canadian Francophone journalists fellowship GEM/7/2/3: Training fellowship for a Zimbabwean journalist GEM/7/2/4: Canadian internships and fellowships |
Access Status | Open(part) |
Access Conditions | Files or parts of files in this sub-section are subject to access restrictions inline with the Data Protection Act. |
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