Description | Prints by Guardian/Observer photographers
Box 1 Rabbit, Paddy* Race, Ernest: Designer Radcliffe, of Werneth Lord Cyril J: Baron Radcliffe Richards, Janet Radice, Giles: Politician Radio 3 Announcers Radler, Alan Radom, Jane Rattle, Simon: Conductor Raven, Simon: Novelist Rawson, Miss Randall, Paulette Randle, Anne: Husband, Demonstrator (Serving Prison Sentance) Ransley, Peter: Playwright Raphael, Frederic: Television Ray, Sheila : Lecturer and Author Rayburn, Joyce : Playwright Raymond, Paul : Theatre Raymond, Santa Rayne, Edward: HM Rayne Ltd Read, John E: EMI Read, John Kingsley: National Front Reason, Dave :Wheelchair Reckford, Barry Redfarn, Robert :Theatre Redcliffe-Maud, Baron Redgrove, Peter: Poet Redhead, Brian: Guardian Redmond, Ann: Novelist Reed, Angela: Author Reed, Henry: Radio Reed, Jane: Editor 'Woman's Own' Reed, Les: Song Writer Reed, Michael CB: Registar General Reed, Nicholas: Euthanasia Soc Reedy, Carlyle: Poet Rees, Roger Rees-Jones, Elizabeth: Magazines Reeves, Rev. Donald Reeves, Dr Ambrose Reeves, James: Poet Reger, Janet and Peter: Underwater Shop Regis, Sister Mary Rego, Paula :Portugese Artist Reid, Alex (Dr): Managing Director. Prestel Reid, Beryl: Actress Reid, Graham Reid, James: UCS Reid, Jane: Agency Reid, John: Theatre Reid, Malcolm: Single-handed Sailor Reid, William: National Army Museum Reid-Banks, Lynne: Playwright, Actess, Etc Reiss, JAE Sir Reisz, Karel: Film Director Rendell, Ruth: Writer Rendlesham, Clare: Fashion Consultant Resnik, Regina: Singer
Box 2 Retford, Margaret Reynolds, Philip Rhodes, Eric: Classic Cinema Rhys, Tom: Asstn, Broadcasting Staff Richard, Ivor: Politician** Richards, Benjamin: Victimisation! Richards, Ceri : Artist Richards, Frederick: Salford Police? Richards, Janet Richardson, Anthony: Belgrade Coventry Theatre Richardson, Jacqueline Richardson, Henry: NUM Richardson, Jo: Politician Richardson, Paul: Education Richardson, William: Artist Richler, Mordecai: Author Richmond, Earl: DJ Richmond, Fiona: Actress Richmond, Gillian Richmond, Horace: Ex-Manchester & Northern Stock Richmond, Robin Richnell, Donovan: British Library Rickards, Jocelyn Rickett, Dr RMW: Polytechnics Riddell, Malcolm Riddington, Norma Roadhouse, J: Musician Robbins, Jane M: Actress Robens, Alfred: Politician Roberts, Alfred: Vehicle Builders Union Roberts, Eirlys Roberts, Jeannette: Foster Mother Roberts, Michelle: Author Roberts, Peris: Slate Quarrier Roberts, Shelagh Roberts, Archibishop Thomas Roberts, Tony: Building Society Robertson, Sir Brian: British Army Robertson, Dr Family: Cruel Sea! Robertson, Fyfe Roberston, Colonel J.R.H. Robertson, Prof Edward: Librarian Roberston, James & Joyce: Film Portraits Robertson, Mike Robertson, Patrick: Writer Robertson, Patrick: Theatre Designer Robertson, Toby Robins, David: Author Robins, Joan Robins, Susannah: Crafts Robinson, Helen: Debenhams Director Robinson, Jane: Accountant Robinson, Jancis: Mag. Ed. Robinson, Bishop John Robinson, Eric Robinson, KD: Bradford Grammar School Robinson, Kenneth: Politician Robinson, Major Hugh Robinson, Smokey Robinson, Tim Robinson, Tom Robinson, Dr Veronica Robinson, Wright: Manchester Robson, Bobby: Football Robson, Flora: Actress Robyns, Gwen: Biographer Robson, Mrs Stina: women's Liberal Federation Rodgers, Anton: Director Rodger, Rev Patrick Campbell Rodgers, RC: Aldermann Manchester City Rodgers, Richard: Architect Rodgers, William: Politician Roe, Sir A Verdon: Aircraft Manufacturer Roe, Marion Roff, Harry: Management Selection Rogers, Dr Katherine: Politician
Box 3 Roland, Anthony: Films Art Roll, Michael: Pianist Rollinson, Edward H: Journalist Rollo, William Rolls, Stan :BMC Worker Roman, George: Theatre Root, Hilary: Stock Exchange Roper, John: Politician Rose, Alec: Singlehanded-Yachtman Rose, Barry: Organist Guildford Cathedral Rose, Hinda: Letters Rose, Paul: Politician Rosebury, Annie: Epic Roseman, John Roseveare, Helen: Missionary Rosenthal, Eric Rosenthal, Jack: Script Writer Rosenthal, Norman: Exh. Sec. Royal Academy Ross, Alan: Poet Editor Ross, Don: British Music Hall Society Ross, Stephen: Politician Rossi, Hugh: Politician Rostron, F: Cotton Board Roth, Tim Rothermere, Lady Rothenstein, Sir John: Painter Rotheroe, Nora: Office Cleaning Rowan, John: Author Rowbotham, Sheila: Historian Rowbottom, Jo Rowe, Albert: Schoolmaster Rowe, Bridget: 'Woman's Own' Rowe, Dorothy Rowe, Marsha: Magazine Rowen, Simon Rowland, 'Tiny' Rowland Rowlinson, Stephen: TCK. Group Rubens, Bernice: Films and Writing Rubenstein, Gerry: Car Dealer Rubenstein, Hilary Ruddock, Joan: CND (1 print, 1986) Rudolf, P: Bookseller Rufus, Rod: Director Liverpool Airport Rule, Margaret: Open Water Diver Rumbold, Angela: Conservative Politician Rumens, Carol: Poet Runcie, Bishop Rundle, Dr Rusbridger, Rusty and Barbara Rushdie, Salman Rusholme, Lord Robert Alexander Palmer: 1st Baron Russell, Annie: Film Producer Russell, Beverley Russell, Lord Bertrand Russell, Ken: Film Director Russell, Pat: Needlework Russell, Willy: Playwright |