Ref NoGUA/6/9/1/3/S
TitlePersonality files for people with surnames beginning with S
Extent7 boxes
Creator NameManchester Guardian; Picture Desk; Manchester Picture Library
DescriptionPrints by Guardian/Observer photographers

Box 1
Sams Brothers: Wholefood
Sampson, JA: United Drapery Stores
Sale, Dennis
Salkeld, Tom: Taxidermist
Salmon, Hugh
Salmon, Phillida: Psychology
Salmon, Tabitha: Artist
Samuel, David (Reverend)
Samuel, Lord Herbert L. Samuel: 1st Viscount
Sanders, Maxine
Sandham, Daphne: Artist
Sandlin, Ellis
Sands, Henry
Sandys, Duncan
Sapper, Alan: Screen Writer's Guild
Sarpal, Ved Singh: Community Relations Officer
Sassoon, Vidal
Saunders, Dame Sicily: St Christopher's Hospice
Saunders, James: Playwright
Saunders, Joan Dr: Researcher
Saunders, Peter
Savage, Dr Wendy
Savill, John
Saville, Philip: Television & Film Director
Sayles, John
Saxon, Ron
Scannell, Dorothy
Scanlon, H.P: Trades Unionist
Scanes, Michael: Graffiti
Scamp, Sir A.J: Motor Ind Joint Labour Ccl
Scargill, Arthur: Coal Industry
Scargill, Ann
Scarfe, Gerald: Cartoonist
Scannell, V: Poet

Box 2
Schaufuss, Peter: Ballet
Schmidt, Michael
Schlee, Ann: Writer
Schneider, Hans: Marks & Spencers
Schofield, Dr G.B: British Nuclear Fuels
Schofield, Julius
Schofield, Michael: Author
Scholefield, John: P&S Biochem
Schotz, Benno: Sculptor
Schulenberg, Tisa: Artist
Schweizer, Francis
Scot, Gloria
Scott, J.R
Scott, Laurence Prestwich: Newspaper Proprieter (Agency pictures kept)
Scott, Michael
Scott, Peter
Scott, Robert: Managing Director, Palace Theatre - Manchester
Scott, Robert Falcon: Explorer (Agency prints only)
Scott, Ronnie: Musician
Scott, Sheila: Pilot
Scott, Sir Walter: Novelist
Scott-Hopkins, J: Politician (Conservatives)
Scragg, E.P.R: E.Scragg & Sons (Holdings) Ltd
Scrimshaw, Neil: Councillor
Scrivey, Bryan & Elizabeth Clipson
Scriven, Ronald C
Seales, Florence A: Pastry Cook
Seamer, Gillian: Actress
Searle, Graham: F.O.E
Secretan, Lance: Managing Director Man Power
Seddon, George: Author
Seeber, Raymonda Jo
Sefton, Bill: Politician
Segal, Lynne: Psychologist
Segalla, Irene: Fashion Artist
Selby, Vera: Billiards & Snooker
Self, Colin: Artist
Sellars, Peter: Actor
Selwyn, Victor: Politician
Sennett, Richard
Sergeant, Emma: Artist
Serota, Baroness of Hampstead
Serra, Marajan, Helen, and Father
Service, Alistair: F.P.A
Sever, John
Severin, Timothy: Writer, Explorer
Sewell, Jackie: Page 3
Seymour, Lynn: Ballet
Shackleton, Ernest (Agency prints only)
Shaffer, Peter: Author
Shah, Eddie: Messanger Group
Shalev, David: Architect
Shanahan, Maura
Shannon, Faith: Bookbinder
Sharma, S: Immigrants C.R.O
Sharp, Dennis
Sharp, Dame Evelyn
Sharpe, Tom: Writer
Shaughnessy, Mrs: Fortune Teller
Shaw, Anne G: Management Consultants Association
Shaw, A.F: N.F.U
Shaw, Betti: Designer & Dressmaker
Shaw, Ian: "Livewire"
Shaw, Otto: Education - Redhill School
Shaw, Robert: Writer
Shaw, Roy: Radio Stoke on Trent
Shaw, Seba G: Q.C
Shaw, Briony: Violinst

Box 3
Shawcross, Lord Hartley: barrister
Shearer, Ann: Author
Sheene, Barry: Motorcyclist
Sher, Anthony
Sheil, Anthony: Literary Agent
Sherer, Henry (Agency print only)
Sherfield, Lord: Industrial & Commercial Finance Corporation
Sheridan, Leo: Trawler 'Gaul'
Sherriff, R.C
Shillington, Graham
Shinwell, Emanuel: Politician
Shipman, Dr Marten
Shirley, Philip
Shirley, Steve: Computing Consultant
Shloimovitz, Marcus
Shonteff, Lindsay: Films
Shore, Peter : Politician
Sheene, Barry: Motorcyclist
Sheenan, Val: Computer Programmer
Sheldon, Douglas: Novelist
Sheldrake, Rupert: Scientist
Shelton-Jones, Judith
Shennan, Sir Alfred: Industrialist
Shenstone, Senator: Jersey
Shepherd, Baron: Goverment Whip
Shepherd, Jack
Sheppard, Rev David: Bishop of Woolwich / Liverpool
Sheppard, Julie: London Food Commision
Shepperson, Patricia: Artist
Sillitoe, Alan: Author
Short, E.W: Politician
Short, Nigel
Showman, Anthony and Paul: Spectacles
Shrimpton, Jean: Model
Shu Pao Lim, Mrs: Community Worker
Shuter, Sally: Films
Shutter, Kevin: Student
Shuttleworth, Lord
Sibley, Antoinette: Ballet Dancer
Siddall, Norman: N.C.B
Sieff, Lord: Marks & Spencers
Sieff, Lady Lily : Marks & Spencers
Sinden, Donald: Actor (one print with Claire Strich)
Silverstone, Marilyn: Photographer
Silverman, David: Politician
Simey, Margaret
Simmons, Sheila
Simon, Andre: Gastronomer Royal
Simon of Wythenshewe, Lord Ernest D, 1st Baron
Simmett, Sylvia: Dowser
Simmonds, Posy: Cartoons
Simpson, Alan
Simpson, Harry: Housing N.Ireland
Simpson, Robert Dr: BBC Music Assistant
Sims, Monica: Television & Radio
Sinclair, Clive: Author
Sinclair, Clive: Sincalir Electronics
Sinclair, Marianne
Sinclair, Mark: Inter Action
Singh, Gurudain: 2H0 Foundation
Singh, Dr Nirajan: Politician
Sirs, Bill: ISC
Sissons, Rosemary Ann: Author
Sitwell, Sacheuerell
Sivananan, A: I.R.R
Skelhorn, Sir Norman: D.P.P
Skelly, Dr
Skelton, Robin: Poet
Skinner, Dennis: Politician
Skrowaczewski, Stanislaw: Principal Conductor Halle Orchestra
Skinner, Jane: N.W.E.A
Slack, Dorothy: North West Region Economic Planning
Sladen-Smith, Frank
Slater, Jim: Slater Walker
Slaughter, Audrey
Slevelove, Burt: Director
Slipman, Sue: NUS
Sloane, David: Accountants
Slotki, Rev Dr Israel
Slung, Michele: Author
Smail, Dr David: Psychologist

Box 4
Smailes, Vicki
Small, Christopher: Music Teacher
Smallpeice, Basil: B.O.A.C
Smallwood, Norah: Publishing
Smart, Annette: Student
Smit, Frans: Entomologist
Smith, Dr Alexander: Manchester Polytechnic
Smith, Bill
Smith, Carol: Literary Agent
Smith, Christina: Covent Garden
Smith, Cyril: Politician
Smith, Dan: Newcastle Councillor
Smith, David: Playwright
Smith, David: Education
Smith, Delacourt: Baron
Smith, Donald
Smith, Prof Francis
Smith, George: Trades Unionist
Smith, Professor: F Graham
Smith, Harvey
Smith, Ivy: Artist
Smith, Rev
Smith, Joan: Author
Smith, Joan: M.P
Smith, Miss Kathleen: Politician
Smith, Len
Smith, Maggie: Actress
Smith, Mary: Law Society Gazette
Smith, Prof Roland: House of Fraser
Smith, T.J: Sogat
Smith, Wilbur: Author
Smith, Wyn: Ald, Ilkeston
Smithers, A.J.
Smoker, Barbara
Smyth, Walter H: Religious Organiser
Smyth, William
Smythe, Tony: Nat Council of Civil Liberties
Soames, Christopher
Soames, Mary
Social Decoration Party: Groups
Sofer, Dr Cyril: Sociologist
Sollymossy, Misses E & I
Solti, G : Musical Director Royal Opera House
Sonnabend, Yolanda: Designer
Sontag, Susan: Author
Soord, Clive: Dragon-Maker
Soper, Rev Donald Lord: Methodist Minister
Soraya: Belly Dancer
Sothcott, John: Musician
Spanswick, Albert: C.O.H.S.E
Sparkes, Linda
Spearing, Nigel: Politician

Box 5
Spears, Steve: Backstage Productions
Speight, Johnny
Spencer, Colin: Author
Spencer, Stanley: Artist (Agency prints only, includes one by Ida Kar)
Spender, Dale
Spender, Stephen: Author & Poet
Spicer, Frank
Spiegl, Fritz: Musician
Spiers, Peter
Spinetti, Victor: Comedian
Spooner, Diana
Sprague, Peter: Aston Martin
Spriggs, Jack: Works Convenor
Spriggs, Leslie: Politician
Spring, Howard: Novelist
Spurgeon, Miss Freda: Investors and Shareholders Association
Squires, Gerald: Fraud Squad
St. Clare Byrne: Muriel
St John-Stevas, Norman: Politician
St George: Elizabeth
Stabb, Dinah
Stacey, Tilly: Dress Designers
Stagg, N: Union of Post Office Workers
Stalker, John: Police
Stanbrook, Ivor: MP
Stanbury, Davia
Stanford, Barbara
Stanford. Commander P.M: Defence Council
Stanier, Maida
Staniforth, Reverend
Stallard, Peter. Sir: Lt Governor. Isle of Man
Staniszewski, Kazimierz: "Maggot Man"
Stansbury, K: Theatre
Stansgate, Lady
Stark, Freya: Explorer
Starritt, James: Police
Statham, June: Thatcher
Steadman, Alison: Actress
Steel, David: Politcian
Steel, David: B.P.
Steel, John: Young Liberal
Steel, Tony: Fashion
Steele, Tommy
Stein, Cyril: Ladbrokes
Stein, Irene: Royal Jelly
Stein, Jenny
Stein, Linda
Stenzal, Avrom Nahum: Poet
Stephan, Dr Peter
Stephanie, Nicole
Stephens, Doreen
Stephens, Pat: Parents Anonymous
Stephenson, Hugh: Editor: New Statesman
Stephenson, Paul: Bristol W.Indian Dev Ccl
Stern, Madelaine: Biographer
Stevas, Mr Norman St.John: M.P Lawyer & Writer
Stevenson, D.P: Doctor
Stevenson, Violet
Stewart, Dame Muriel A
Stewart, Micky
Stewart, Sir Michael
Stewart, Michael: Politician
Stewart, Jackie: Motor Racing

Box 6
Stewart, Donald Ogden: Writer
Stiebel, Mr Victor: Dress Designer
Stigwood, Robert: Theatre, Films
Stihi, Nina
Stockdale, Harold: Lord Mayor-Manchester
Stockwood, Mervyn: Bishop
Stokes, Sir Donald: leyland Motors
Stokes, Simon
Stoller, Mike
Stoller, Jackie: TV Producer
Stone, Irving: Author
Stonehouse, John: Politician
Stopford, Lord: Neurologist
Stoney, Barbara
Stonestreet, Rev Malcolm
Stoppard, Tom: Theatre
Storey, Anthony: Writer
Stoten, Mike: Brent
Stott, Catherine
Stott, Rev John R.W: All Souls, London
Stott, Keith: Nautilus Models
Stott, Lord
Stott, Mary
Stott, Dr Peter: G.P
Stott, Roger: Politician
Stow, Ralph: Chairman Building Societies Association
Strachan, Alan: Artistic Director Greenwich Theatre
Straight, Whitney: P.O. Corp
Strang, Gavin: Politician
Stranger, Joyce: Novelist
Stratton, Sir John: President NFU
Stravinsky, Igor: Composer
Stravinsky, Madame Vera
Straw, Jack
Streatfeild, Noel
Streather, Jane: Head of One Parent Family Association
Street, Leslie: R.S.P.B
Strevens, Prof Peter
Stringer, Graham: G.L.C
Stroud, Dorothy
Strutt, Right Reverend Gordon
Sturdy, Pat: Women's Industrial Union
Sturua, Robert:
Subversa, Vi: Singer
Sugden, Frank: Chief Enviromental Health Officer for Middlesborough
Sullivan, Terry: USDAW
Summer, E.R: Royston Industries
Summers, Ann

Box 7
Summerskill, Edith: Politician
Summerskill, Dr Shirley
Sundries-Smith, Jocelyn
Sutcliff, Rosemary: Author
Sutherland, Joan: Singer
Sutherland, Dr John
Sutton, Catherine: Canine Jidge
Suyin, Han: Novelist
Suzman, Janet
Svetlanov, Yevgeny: Conductor
Swaffield, Sir James: G.L.C
Swallow, Susan: Pistol's
Swann, Michael: Professor
Swift, Frank: Inland Revenue Staff Fed
Swift, Graham: Author
Swinburn, Dr: Music
Swinburn, James
Swingle, Ward: Conductor
Sykes, John
Symes, Jim: Shopstewards Liverpool Docks
Symons, Julian: Author
Szeryng, Henryk: Violinist
Access StatusOpen

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