Description | Files of negatives of the following individuals:
Box 1: Vaessen, Paul Valeate, Caterina (including set by Tony McGrath and David Newell Smith) Valera, Eamon de (set by Tony McGrath) Vallois, Robert Van Gogh Vandedrink, Ria Vassall, John Vanetzian, Peter (set by David Newell Smith) Vargas, Manuela (set by David Newell Smith) Varley, Eric Varna, Mr Vash, Mr (set by David Newell Smith) 'Vasken' the First (Armenian Supreme Patriarch) (set by Tony McGrath) Vaskevitch, Nahum Vaughan, Ayo & Alan Vaughan, Keith Vaughan, Richard Vaughn, Dr Denys Veasy, Herbert (set by Tony McGrath) Vembo, Sophia & Haido Vemess, David (set by Neil Libbert) Venables, Terry (including set by Tony McGrath) Ventura, Vivienne Venturi, Robert Venus, Jim (set by Tony McGrath) Vere, Foxy (set by Tony McGrath)
Box 2: Vered, Ilana Verey, Rosemary Verges Jacques Verner, James (set by Tony McGrath) Vernon, Fane Vernon, Michael (including sets by Tony McGrath & David Newell Smith) Vernon, Tom Verran, Virginia (set by Neil Libbert) Vertucci, Christine (set by Neil Libbert) Verulam, Earl of (set by Tony McGrath) Verwoerd, Dr Hendrik (including memorial) (set by David Newell Smith) Vestey, Edmund Vidal, Albert Vidler, Charles Vigier, Bill de (including set by David Newell Smith & Neil Libbert) Vigne, Randolph Vilas, Guillermo (set by Neil Libbert) Villiers, Sir Charles (including set by Tony McGrath) Vince, Albert Vince, Margaret (set by Sally Soames) Vincent, Cherie Vincent, Harry (set by Tony McGrath) Vincent, Lindsay (staff) (set by Jane Bown) Vincent, Lorna Vincent, Reverend Peter (set by David Newell Smith) Vincent Walker, Lesley (set by David Newell Smith) Vines, Alan Vines, EV (set by Neil Libbert) Vines, Steve Viney, Richard Vinson, Luther H Virtue, Beryl (set by Neil Libbert) Visconti Visone, Sandra Vlachou, Helen Vladimov, Georgy Vogue, Count Bertrand de Voikhanskaya, Marina (set by Neil Libbert) Volker, Peter (set by Neil Libbert)
Box 3: Votsis, George (set by David Newell Smith) Voute, Mayri Vyjayanthinala