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LDG - Illustrations by Les Gibbard
1 - Political cartoons
1 - Early original cartoons
2 - Wilson
3 - Heath Years, Selected Best
4 - Callaghan Years
5 - Pre-Thatcher
1 - Judges' Verdict
2 - Untitled
3 - The Return of Bonnie Prince Varley
4 - Shanghaied
5 - "There's nothing we can do - you should have fed him!"
6 - Untitled
7 - The Last Days of Paypol
8 - "Funny - that's not the way it worked for Bond..."
9 - Untitled
10 - Untitled
11 - We won't get a flat if he keeps pumping - he only wants to sell you a new one
12 - Aubrey Jones - Prices and Incomes Board
13 - "Silly, I know - but I keep hearing this voice shouting 'Take over'!"
14 - Untitled
15 - Untitled
16 - Untitled [faith in democracy]
17 - "Shucks, with that brand my cattle don't need no fences - but if I find you feedin' em your grass there's gonna be gun play!"
18 - "Put it to the vote!"
19 - Untitled [Strike]
20 - "Of course I'm inflaming things - heat expands objects doesn't it?"
21 - Untitled [James Callaghan]
22 - A Tragic Tale
23 - "I don't mind going down twice - but then I'll start swimming..."
24 - Untitled
25 - Untitled [Police]
26 - "I do agree, the chappie has obviously eaten people - but he is a guest and he is wearing a tie"
27 - The prickly question-hog
28 - The sad case of the Nationalisation souffle
29 - Untitled [Edward Heath]
30 - Lady of the Lamp
31 - Untitled [white paper]
32 - Untitled [TUC]
33 - "Of course there's a hell for sinners down there - where there's smoke there's fire, isn't there?"
34 - Untitled [National Unity]
35 - The Ancient Mariner
36 - Election possible result
37 - Untitled [To South Africa]
38 - Untitled
39 - "Rotten old Daddy won't buy you the new Smash-the-Law video game? Well, kid, I agree with him - it's a waste of money!"
40 - More Border Manoeuvres
41 - "We thank Mr Benn for his weather vane - mind you it hasn't altered the state of the steeple..."
42 - Untitled
43 - "Aw, he gets a bit hysterical - needs the whip!"
44 - The buglar who played the Last Post instead of Reveille
45 - "Well, we're the Government of national unity now - everybody hates us..."
46 - I do wish people with fruitful public lives wouldn't leave the skins lying around
47 - Untitled [British Rail]
48 - [Untitled]
49 - Untitled
50 - Untitled [Front Bench]
51 - Untitled [Edward Heath]
52 - Untitled [Pay Revolt]
53 - "Ours? Good Heavens, no - he's just travelling about by himself."
54 - "To hell with your brat! Do you know how long it took to grow this thing?"
55 - Untitled [Conservatives]
56 - "Nice one, laddie - have you ever considered fighting the enemy?"
57 - Untitled [NHS]
58 - Among the Red Faces
59 - "I'd like to let it out even further but everything might go back to your belly..."
60 - "But can't you see? We're way below our natural level!"
61 - "But I'm sure it's the way he would've wanted to go!"
62 - "But then, on second thoughts..."
63 - "Now, let's hear you whimper - in triplicate..."
64 - Lowering the Flag
65 - Untitled [British Leyland]
66 - Untitled [Commons Legislation]
67 - Strange goings-on in Stock Exchange Woods
68 - "Just keep pumping..."
69 - Untitled [Inflation]
70 - "Great work! Now take us up again!"
71 - "Come, come - we've all got to learn to swim sometime..."
72 - "B-b-b-but - I like driving!"
73 - Untitled [Ford]
74 - Untitled [AUEW]
75 - Untitled
76 - Untitled [Saatchi]
77 - The special case
78 - "If you don't mind we'll wait until the doctor arrives for a second opinion!"
79 - Untitled
80 - "We don't really like to interfere. The best place for you is a family crisis centre - if we had one"
81 - "Well thank you for your advice, Mr President - so all we have to do is reunite them just like the U.S did in Vietnam and the problem will resolve itself..."
82 - Untitled [farm workers]
83 - "Hmmm, Nice little Place you have here..."
84 - Untitled [Mandate]
85 - "You guys sure drive a hard bargain - leaving me with nothing but all these barrels to preserve my modesty!"
86 - Untitled [GLC]
87 - "I was in voluntarily too - until they started locking me up and taking everything away from me..."
88 - Washington Dawn
89 - Untitled [three wise men]
90 - Untitled [National Rail]
91 - "Very funny - now put that water back!"
92 - Paying off the straw
93 - "Good grief, not only is he faceless..."
94 - Reflate? This?
95 - "But the cat came back..."
96 - Untitled [1977 Dockyard strike]]
97 - Untitled [Rolls Royce]
98 - Taps
99 - "Oh very well,madam - I won't duck this time"
100 - "Mother"
101 - "Calm down - you'll know soon enough whether doctor's taking your blood or giving you something"
102 - Untitled [8pc]
103 - Long way to the Thaw
104 - Untitled [dockyard worker]
105 - Untitled [Thatcher and Callaghan]
106 - "Somehow, gentlemen, I fear we have stamped out the wrong Lump!"
107 - Keeping within our means
108 - "Ruddy dictator! I know how to handle it this time"
109 - 'Okay, let's check the details - To all the gang at Downing Street'
110 - The Young Washingtons
111 - Pay Policy
112 - Executive Deleted
113 - Pension Devolution
114 - Untitled [Disgruntled Protestor]
115 - "Labour's Future"
116 - "There's something to be getting on with, princess, " cried Prince Charming, "while I get back go me 'pruning'!"
117 - Untitled [Callaghan and Healey]
118 - "People who live in..."
119 - "Well, yes, I suppose he could keep the ball up another year - but..."
120 - Untitled [Encore! Encore!]
121 - Bullock Fight
123 - Untitled [Burmah Oil Crash]
124 - A False Spring
125 - Untitled [Austerity]
126 - Untitled [New Pay Deal]
127 - "Look, I'm new to this sort of thing - why don't we have a 60-day cooling-off period?"
128 - "No, no - if you want to change his position you whisper nicely through it..."
129 - The Flying Doormat
130 - Untitled [Mid-East Bribery]
131 - "Now look here," said Cinderella. "Maybe I did briefly drop in to the Repatriation Knees-up - but, blimey, a little flirtation is no grounds for marriage!"
132 - "Sorry - I don't know where he gets his language."
133 - Helping Hands
134 - Blanket Support
135 - Labour's Running Saw
136 - Untitled [Inflation]
137 - Untitled
138 - "We realise it has been difficult for you, Willie"
139 - The Helping Hand
140 - Untitled [Social Contract]
141 - Untitled [Full Employment]
142 - "I take it you'd rather not know what I could throw at you if you vote no in the referendum..."
143 - Untitled [Aircraft and Shipyards Bill]
144 - The Sponsor
145 - Be (gasp!) a good chap... / ...And (puff!) book a long-distance call... / ...To Barbra (phew!) Streisand!
146 - Untitled [Threshold]
147 - "Ah, senors, your search for the economic war criminal, she is over - as you can see he is now dead!"
148 - "Now just stay nice and quiet, laddie - the Easter Bunny's got to come out this way!"
149 - Untitled [Swingometer]
150 - "That seems to exhaust my last words - wish they'd decide on the size of the blade!"
151 - High Flying Lessons
152 - "The Great Mysterio regrets the loss of your £220M watch - but demanding how the trick was done is quite out of order..."
153 - The Slow Dawn Breaking...
154 - [Untitled]
6 - Oversized Pre-Thatcher
7 - Best of Thatcher including overthrow of Heath
8 - Best of Thatcher 1
9 - Best of Thatcher 2
10 - Thatcher Years
11 - Thatcher Years
12 - Thatcher Years
13 - Thatcher Years
14 - Oversize Wilson and Thatcher
15 - John Major
16 - Best Major Cartoons
17 - Nixon/Watergate/Vietnam
18 - Reagan/Ford/Carter/Bush
19 - Other US Presidents
20 - Foreign
21 - South Africa and Rhodesia
22 - Middle East
23 - Labour Party and union squabbles
24 - Liberals and SDP
25 - Miners' Strikes
26 - Cold War/Solidarity/Glasnost
27 - Northern Ireland
28 - Common Market
29 - Falklands
30 - Oversize
2 - Illustrations
3 - Caricatures
4 - Sketches
5 - Copies
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